History of Indian Journalism PDF Download by J. Natarajan


History of Indian Journalism

History of Indian Journalism Book in PDF Download

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The origins of the functions of the press can be broadly defined as conveying government policies to the public, keeping the government informed of public needs and reactions to government policies, and informing the government and the public about events. . Each function was developed as it required. The first of these actions, as elsewhere in India, can be seen as the beginning of organized society. In the act of accepting the tribal chief, the members of a tribe agreed in a meeting to conduct certain conditions towards each other and towards the chief and in return the chief agreed to maintain and enforce certain rights among the members. of the tribes and, generally, to organize the tribes themselves to resist any external aggression. These meetings were the primitive method of revising or gorging policies and ascertaining the will of the entire tribe while simultaneously making the will of the dominant method known to the tribe. As a tribe expanded its jurisdiction over other tribes, a more elaborate system developed and as far as subject tribes were concerned, the ruling tribe assumed the aspect of the tribal chief. The emphasis was on making the will of the ruling chief or tribe known to the subordinate tribes.

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 eBook Details (Size, Writer, Lang. Pages

(आकार, लेखक, भाषा,पृष्ठ की जानकारी)

 पुस्तक का नाम (Name of Book) 

History of Indian Journalism 

 पुस्तक का लेखक (Name of Author) 

जे. नटराजन / J. Natarajan

 पुस्तक की भाषा (Language of Book)


 पुस्तक का आकार (Size of Book)

  24 MB

  कुल पृष्ठ (Total pages )


 पुस्तक की श्रेणी (Category of Book)

इतिहास / History



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