A Secular Agenda - Arun Shourie | PDF Download

A Secular Agenda - Arun Shourie | PDF Download

A Secular Agenda - Arun Shourie  PDF Download

 Description :-

This book is a great insight into how secularism meeds to be followed in India. This book covers all the so-called contentious issues facing our nation and gives solutions to these issues.

Be it terrorism, nationalism, Article 370, Infiltration  from Bangladesh, Uniform Civil Code etc. it really btoadens the readers' vision on them. Mr. Shourie needs to be congratulated on the great work he has presented. He has successfully pointed out how vested interests are stoking these problems in India. The so-called 'secularists' are successfully exposed. Great work and a must read for all die-hard nationalist.

पुस्तक का नाम/ Name of Book :  A Secular Agenda 
पुस्तक के लेखक/ Author of Book :  Arun Shourie
श्रेणी / Categories :  भारत / India,Arun
पुस्तक की भाषा / Language of Book : English
पुस्तक का साइज़ / Size of Book :  389.5 MB
कुल पृष्ठ /Total Pages : 398

 ॥ सूचना ॥
अगर इस पेज पर दी हुई सामग्री से सम्बंधित कोई भी सुझाव, शिकायत या डाउनलोड नही हो रहे हो तो निचे दिए गए "Contact Us" के माध्यम से सूचित करें। हम आपके सुझाव या शिकायत पर जल्द से जल्द अमल करेंगे।



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