Mrityunjaya The Death Conqueror : by Shivaji Sawant PDF Book

Mrityunjaya The Death Conqueror : by Shivaji Sawant PDF Book

Mrityunjaya The Death Conqueror : by Shivaji Sawant PDF Book 

 The concept of tragedy, in the strict sense of the term, is not a part of the Indian literary tradition The basic Indian belief is that man's past karma determines his joys or sorrows in this life As a result there can be no punishment in excess Tragedy however is built on the principle of disproportionate punishment--the tragic hero always seems to suffer more than he deserves, though he does so nobly
Probably the only major character in Indian literature who comes closest to being a tragic herois Karna, the flesh-car-ringed and skin armoured son of virgnal Kunti by the sun god Surya Karna has a sympathetic appeal in the popular Inchan imagination, yet when he is presented on stage or screen, he somehow does not seem to get the credit he deserves He emerges as less than an inspiring figure, and sometimes even as a character stained by meanness and vindictiveness This is very far from the popular image of Karna-an image which only Rabindranath Tagore succeeded in portraying in his dramatic poem "Karna Kunti Samvad
Shivaji Sawant takes up Kama and gives him the full dimensions of a truly tragic hero In this best-selling novel writen onginally in Marathi he embroiders on the sketchy outline of Karna in Vyasa's Mahabharata and produces an impressive flesh and blood personality A tragic hero invariably comes to ruin because of one over ndıng moral flaw We leave it to the reader to discover what the flaw of the eldest of the Pandavas could have been What makes this almost perfect protagonist suffer and die in such an unholy manner?

पुस्तक का नाम/ Name of Book :   Mrityunjaya The Death Conqueror 
पुस्तक के लेखक/ Author of Book : Shivaji Sawant 
श्रेणी / Categories : पौराणिक / Mythological
पुस्तक की भाषा / Language of Book : English
पुस्तक का साइज़ / Size of Book : 21 MB
कुल पृष्ठ /Total Pages : 721

 ॥ सूचना ॥
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